24 February 2014

Word for the Week

Ooooh, what a word for this week! 
Truly, the synchronicity of pulling what seems to be THE perfect word out of the bag of Mary Lunnen's Rediscovery Cards astonishes me sometimes...

I just love this word, and I can only have positive thoughts when I see it. To me, it's THE word to describe what it happening at this time of year...

As we move into the last week of February, the UK finally seems to be emerging from the grip - and floods! - of winter with signs of Spring emerging in the garden for all to see. Here's a wee selection from our own garden...

And the colour of the card...?

To me, it's the deep orangey red I associate with dawn... as the sun slowly emerges over our neighbours' roofs...

This word, to me, is overflowing with promise... of new life, new light, new thoughts, new ideas, new expressions...

And it has to be a perfect word to carry throughout a new week - who knows what beauty will emerge in the next seven days...

I'd love to know what thoughts/feelings arise when you see this word...

Nearly forgot... do scroll down to enter this week's Giveaway - a very beautiful necklace...


  1. Emerging - it's a term we use at work "emerging technology" - gets me very excited about the new technology we might see coming through from both staff and students. At the moment, everything we're looking at it mobile related, but I can't wait to see what the next "emerging technology" is going to be! Knowing that your eldest will be looking to go to Uni soon, it really makes me reflect back as I remember saying goodbye to the little blond haired 1 year old as I set off on my journey - and how much things have changed in his life time - so where on earth will we be in another 18 or so years? I certainly couldn't have predicted this :)

    I love your reflection on emerging too, the sun is shining in Wales, and although we had wind and rain storms last night, you wouldn't believe it looking out the window now. This is my fav type of weather, a breeze in the air, sun is shining, plants just starting to wake up after their winter hibernation, everything is coming to life again!

    I'm going to try and make it my word of the week as well - it's positive, looking forward - emerging! :) xxx

  2. Beautiful… Spring flowers here too, everywhere.

  3. The sunset photo is beautiful.
    And to see all the Spring flowers emerging around me gives me hope for another year :0)

  4. Emerging for me right now: the moon and venus caught in the one frame *!*

  5. Wonderful word, and I agree, it is so amazing how this works! I am celebrating today as on my drive to the place I was delivering a course in my 'day job' I saw the first wild primroses of the year for me - one of my favourite flowers. And my miniature daffodils are just opening in the pots outside my office/studio. I love the anticipation of this time of year....


Thank you for taking the time to comment - I really appreciate it!
It's good to know I'm not alone :)